Odd. Not really my thing- like RMS*, I refuse to own a digital leash/tracking device smartphone. I guess branding and UI is a big deal to some peeps. I prefer to stick to middleware, or rather- I did before I retired. There is another green bubble that will become a big deal after the USD divestment cascade goes full-retard and the global economy crashes. From WikiP:
“The Green Bubble is a theory that the world is facing an over-investment in renewable energy and that the current levels of debts in many clean tech companies are unsustainable. As the interest rate rises many of the projects that are on the market today will go bust, which is claimed to become a big set-back for the renewable energy industry” more:

Another green bubble is described here:
Its bubble hash with too much chlorophyll. :)

*Author of GNU eg the non-kernel parts of linux, emacs, and pioneered the Open Source / Free Software movements. Recently was slandered by #metoo zealots.